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SOURCE:铸铁划线平板 DATE:2012-06-08 22:55

  研磨平板用于量具的制造、修理, 制件研磨,高精度机械零件制作,光学仪器的加工。
The grinding plate (ground platform) in order to ensure that the workpiece accuracy and surface finish coating or pressure embedded in the grinding plate of abrasive particles, refined by the relative motion of the grinding plate and the workpiece under a certain pressure on the machined surface Finishing and derived from a cast iron plate.
Grinding platform use:
Grinding plate for measuring the manufacture, repair, parts grinding, high precision mechanical parts production, the processing of optical instruments.
Research go to a very thin surface layer from the workpiece on grinding tools and abrasives, the workpiece accurately the size and shape and high surface quality, this processing method is called grinding. Grinding is a finishing process, he has broad applications in the tools, measuring tools and precision machinery manufacturing. With the development of machinery industry, grinding manual gradually tend to mechanization.
Grinding plate: the grinding plate surface to be smooth, no cracks, spots and other defects; material generally with a gray cast iron, it has good lubricating properties, high grinding efficiency, and wear quite small. Particularly suitable for lapping.
Pressure sand flat panel Profile:
Pressure sand plate test a variety of precision parts of the surface (run out of gap method), and repair the flatness tools of the various gauge block, the card measuring, optical other and the measurement accuracy and other parts of the tool. Pressure sand flat panel as the repair of the amount of only measuring instruments, it is good or bad will have a direct impact on the amount of repair quality.
Pressure sand flat panel: pressure sand flat-panel ultra-fine grinding, the workpiece with the tablet. Before grinding methods: grinding, fine abrasive evenly spilled between the two plates, then embedded in the work surface of the tablet tablet with each other on the research, the fine silt, constitute a certain firmness of "multi-edge research surfacing. After pressure sand tablet grinding, fine texture of the surface to get the exact size and high surface quality.
The use of pressure sand flat FAQs:
Uneven cutting: due to the uneven abrasive, the solution is to abrasive smooth evenly.
Cutting scratch law: natural Whetstone destroyed coarse sand got into the coarse sand.
The surface color is yellow: the flat surface is no longer the cutting force, the method is to re-pressure sand.
Irregular scratches: the method of cleaning the surface of the flat surface debris mixed with gasoline dilution, less coated with a drop of stearin.

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